Homepeel LED Mask
They're here! Homepeel's
LED mask has arrived. How exciting.
Hi, I'm Jodie Baker. I'm the owner and founder of Homepeel. I've been running Homepeel for about 17 years. It's been my life's work. Skincare is my passion. I'm 49. I do all my videos without makeup. And today I'm here to release Homepeel's LED mask. Hooray.
Okay, so what I want to do in this video, I really want to share with you how these actually work. So it's pretty clear that they're popular. You've probably seen them all the way through your Instagram feed. You've heard about all the celebrities telling you how much they use them, how much they rely on them before the red carpet, blah, blah, blah.
Well, I already knew that personally because I've been using LED in salons for about 10/15 years because they are amazing. But now that they're available for home use, it was really important to Homepeel that we got the right one, one that actually works, because obviously we have an amazing reputation, and I must do everything to uphold that now in order to find out exactly which one to use would be the best.
Obviously, I wanted to make it affordable. So that was important that I understood exactly how they work because I never really knew that before. I just knew that they worked. But how I knew that it had something to do with light LED.
LED stands for light emitting diode. Okay, so I'm going to go into what that is soon, but how did it actually work? Okay, so I went really deep, and it's quite technical. Like, I went into all the science of it, and I started writing, like, a blog about it. And I will end up finishing that, but I sort of have to sort of balance out how deep not to go because it gets really confusing. So I'm going to try and keep it really light. But also I want it to make sense so you understand, like, mentally why this is working.
So a light wave can come in different lengths. So it could be like this, and it looks like a swiggly line like that. Okay, so it might be this, well, obviously not this long. They're tiny, you need microscopes to see them.
So they're all different lengths. Depending on the length of the light wave, depends on where it will go into the skin to do its work. Okay, so mainly there are two different types of light waves, colors, because they present themselves in colors. So you might say the longest one would be red. So the light wave that is the longest shows itself as red and that's going to go into the dermis. So that's generally used for creating collagen and repair work and things like that.
So a different light wave will present itself as blue. So that's going to be a bit shorter. And that's known to go into the sebaceous gland, which is the gland that produces the oil on your skin. And it's said to be able to control it because an overactive light oil gland will cause acne and pimples and congestion because the oil is coming out so much.
So the blue light is generally used for pimples and acne and congestion.
So red and blue has always been the traditional colors. The Homepeel's LED masks actually has seven different colors and it comes with this amazing instructional leaflet. And if you see here, it talks about all the different color lights, photons that it does and what each of them do and to sort of go a little bit deeper, in So that basically is how the Led mask works. Now you're going to find out far more information about it and I'm going to explain it in a much deeper level in the blog that I will release in the next week or so.
But for now, I guess that's going to just explain it a little bit. But I also wanted to tell while I was here, I wanted to explain to you why I chose the one that I chose. So obviously there are some on the market for like $100, some $700, and why get the $700 one compared to the $100 one?
Well, we trialed a lot of different masks here at Homepeel. And when I discovered how they were made and what I was looking for and I found the perfect one that I thought would be affordable and for example, and I also wanted to make sure I got it because I have to get it from overseas because they're not making them here in Australia. And I wanted to get it out of Korea because I know the Koreans are leading edge when it comes to beauty devices.
And in fact, I've been there myself and I've checked out these places and I know how they work. They're impeccable with the industry. The skincare industry in Korea is impeccable.
It's amazing. It's leading edge. So we got it from Korea, I suppose, without going into too much detail, there is a difference between the $700 one and the $100 one. For example, and by the way, Homepeel's LED masks sells for $149.95, and it comes with a serum, so it's a pack.
So you get the LED mask and the serum, and you use the serum afterwards.
So you have your treatment and then you take it off and put your serum and Bob's your uncle. It's beautiful.
The challenge was to find one that was affordable, that was going to work. Okay. What I found was there's a thing called irradiance. There's a few different reasons what sets the LED masks part, and of course, one of them was irradiance. And I'm not going to go into all the details of that because it's really complicated. I'll try and touch on it in the blog, but essentially it translates into how long you use it.
So if for the really expensive ones, you might find that you could put it on for ten minutes. This one that Homepeel's bringing to you, you put it on for 20 minutes, so that's a little bit longer. But we chose to do it that way because we found that it worked as well, but you just could get it at a more affordable price.
Okay, so clean the face. I'll just turn it on here. You've got your little button here. It's always a little bit of a challenge to get on, to be honest. And it's not because it's hard, because I actually struggle with these even in my washing machines.
Like this.
Do you guys have that? There you go. For a minute there, I thought it had ran out of battery. You flick through, you'll see all the different colors.
So based on one that I use pretty much 90% of the time, because pimples aren't really a problem for me.
Here we go.
And then you pop that on your face 20 minutes later.
So I actually put it on when I'm going to bed. So I get into bed, pop it on, and then suddenly I'll be asleep. And then wake me up and I'll take the mask off and then I'm done. And I go back to sleep. And then to turn it off, although you don't really need to turn off or actually turning it off, I have to go all the way through the cycle. But you never turn it off, actually. There you go. Two beeps is off. You never turn it off because it turns off 20 minutes by itself.
Okay, I think that it's fairly simple to use. I've explained to you a little bit about how it works. If you want more details, you can read the blog that's coming out soon.
Very simple to use clean face, put it on, press the button, choose the setting, read the instructions manual, decide what color suits you the best, and then just take it off and put your serum on.
Okay, so that's it for me. The LED mask is here. You can actually get it on its own in the bundle, or you can look at the larger bundles.
And I don't know if you know this, but Homepeel has a lot of like an antiaging bundle, a pigmentation bundle, a scars and healing bundle, a pimple and acne bundle.
So it has all of the skincare that we have designed to treat that particular problem. And then you can choose what home strategy you want to use to go with it. So it could be the LED mask, it could be a Homepeel's five day green herb skin peel. It could be the fortnightly fruit peel, which is a one day peel that has no downtime. It could be the dermapen which does the stamping, which is fantastic for spot treating really deep pigmentation. Or it could be the placenta serum kit with roller. So our amazing placenta serum with the roller.
So you choose the bundle and then you decide which accompliment that you want it to come with.
Okay, so that's it from me. Enjoy. This thing's amazing. I use mine pretty much every day. When I can remember. It sits on my bedside table. I jump into bed and I put it on. OK players, have a really great day and
if you have any questions, please email us. We have our skincare coaches ready to go. See you later.